Monday, 21 March 2011

Quack quack

One set of characters that seem to have benefitted from Orleigh Park's temporary submergence into the river is the ducks.

Prior to the floods, the dominant fauna in Orleigh Street were bats, and noisy miners. Occasionally a crow, or a parrot on its way to the University of Queensland grounds would drop in, only for a pack (herd? clutch?) of indignant and aggressive noisy miners to swoop in and pester it off their turf.

Now, presumably due to the new layer of fresh mud in the park, whole flocks (braces?) of ducks - those ones with the velvety brown heads - have moved into the park. I can look out the window at any time and see them wandering under the fig trees, searching the rich silt for food. They even wander over the road to explore the offerings available on the footpath in front of the houses.

Apparently a flock of ducks on land is called a "badling" or "badelynge".

Meanwhile, the mangroves struggle on...

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